"IT Fest Seminar" is an annual event held by IT Student Community of Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana (UKDW) Yogyakarta. In the event that was held on November 29, a total of approximately 50 IT students from UKDW and some campus around Yogyakarta gathered to follow the seminar.
The seminar was divided into two sessions. The first session has a theme "Technology Career Adancement: How to Be Successful with International Certification" submitted by the Research and Innovation Advisor Microsoft Innovation Center in Yogyakarta, Dr. Ridi Ferdiana. In this session presented various advantages will be obtained when the student can follow the international certification since they are still a student. Job opportunities in the industry are also shown to be quite prioritize graduates who have more value on his skills. One of them is evidenced by the international certification.
The second session of the seminar was filled with the material "Productive with Microsoft Technology". Divided into two topics, namely on "Microsoft Technology Update" presented by Theodorus Yoga as a Technical Specialist MIC Yogya, and about "Microsoft Productivity Tools" presented by Randi Eka, IT and Education Specialist MIC Yogyakarta.
With this seminar, we expect IT students can start preparing early in his career. By starting with a training routine, such as joining the Microsoft Virtual Academy or take a course to prepare for the international certification.