IT Academy and International Certification Socialization - AMIKOM Yogyakarta


Welcoming new students in the academic year 2014-2015 of STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta, MIC Yogyakarta, as a partner of the innovation team AMIKOM, held a seminar session for all new students, to discuss about the Microsoft IT Academy program and international certification. More than 1,750 participants joined the event which was held on 4 to 5 September 2014.

International certification becomes an important part of the preparation of high quality graduates at a campus. He conveyed the procedures to start and conduct certification, the college hopes to be able to prepare new students for early, and make it a priority to get a provision in his career.

The material presented at this event are as follows:

  • The introduction of international certification.
  • IT Academy Program and the Microsoft Virtual Academy (MVA).

After this event, the MIC team in collaboration with the campus also to collect data on students who are interested in international certification and are interested in following their own learning through MVA, hoping to always provide assistance in achieving competence in accordance with the student.