As follow up of Minecraft utilization for educators, a competition entitled Minecraft Education Edition Hack is held to hone ideas from teachers in utilizing the platform games in learning. After Minecraft was acquired by Microsoft, the game platform is now more personalized to the needs of education, so that it was launched in a version of Minecraft Education Edition. Besides, Minecraft version can be accessed for free for schools, teachers and students using Office 365 for Education account.

Besides enhancing the creativity of players, Minecraft Education Edition is designed to increase collaboration between teacher and student. The teacher can create area for game and the student can contribute to solve some challenges that is given in this game. Minecraft is chosen due to this game is easy adapted by children. This workshop aimed that the teacher made a folder in Minecraft and she/he invites their students to learn together virtually.

This event was a collaboration among Microsoft Innovation Center in Yogyakarta, Balai Telekomunikasi dan Pendidikan (BTKP) Yogyakarta and Microsoft Developer Community in BTKP. This event was held on October 20, 2016 at ICT Lab BTKP and it was attended by 37 teachers across Yogyakarta. This workshop was divided into three sections agenda. At the beginning was installation fest where the teachers were guided by the trainers to install the laptop to install with Windows 10. Furthermore, it was continued with the use of Minecraft demo is accompanied by an explanation of the trainer.

The outcome from this event is that it generates creative work in the form of world Minecraft (.mcworld) that can be replicated for other students and it can be used to motivate them to learn. In addition, this event also aims to produce a documentary that shows the world how to Minecraft that is already combined with learning topic that have been obtained from the teaching and learning activities in schools.