As a teacher, they cannot be closed minded about the current technological developments. Technology is increasing rapidly and it was created to facilitate teachers in the learning process. However, the increasing of technology might be a barrier for the teachers and it is because there are many teachers who do not understand the function of technology in education. Underlying from the desire of the teachers who want to go vacation, the school aims to facilitate collaboration between teachers and students, although they are not conducting face to face learning. Even when the teacher was located outside the city and there is no reason for learning process can not take place. The teacher can provide feedback on students’ assignment. One tools from Microsoft that can facilitate these case is by using OneNote. This workshop aims to build understanding of teachers at SMPN 2 Playen in using OneNote.
This workshop was attended by 30 teachers from SMAN 2 Playen, Yogyakarta and it was held on March 3, 2016 at SMAN 2 Playen. On this occasion, this was led by Randi Eka and Arya Adhitya from Microsoft Innovation team. In the beginning of workshop, the trainer introduced OneNote for learning in the classroom and distance learning. Afterward, the teachers were also given materials about OneNote Class Creator. Then, it was continued with discussion related to the implementation of OneNote for students’ holiday activities. At the end of this workshop was closed by optimizing on the use of Office 365 for students at SMAN 2 Playen. These features will help the teachers and the students to keep connected even if they are not in the face to face learning.
This workshop was expected that the teachers at SMAN 2 Playen using OneNote to conduct teaching and learning process out of classroom. In addition, learning activities can be productive even the teacher and student are not in the same place. This means that learning process can be done and the teacher still can provide feedback in students’ assignment even if they are not in the class. Thus, the students do not feel disadvantaged because of their teacher leave the class.