Techtalk: Word for Research is a mini workshop held to finalize the participants' knowledge about the facilities formatting in Word for writing scientific documents. Features such as setting page, setting footnotes, contents list creation, and page numbers learned in this workshop. This mini workshop emphasized the direct use of Word on the implementation in the academic environment, adjusted the utilization of the features of the writing rules that apply in accordance with the rules that have been defined. This event was followed by academic community who have an interest for writing documents and academic publications. For this purpose, Microsoft Innovation Center and Certification and Education Divition held Techtalk Mini Workshop entitled: Word for Research. This event was held on January 12, 2017 at the Central Library of the University of Gadjah Mada. This workshop was lead by Ridi Ferdiana as Research Advisor at Microsoft Innovation Center and it was attended by 27 participants from librarian staff.

In this mini-workshop, divided into several agenda that began with the introduction of formatting features in Word for writing academic papers. Then proceed to manage the yard with the use of formatting in Word. This event was closed with the introduction of Word Extension in Visual Studio.

Expectations by holding this mini workshop are the participants be able to understand how to maximize the use of Microsoft Word in writing academic papers. The Participants also explore the menus formatting in Microsoft Word for writing academic papers. In addition, the participants are also able to find out how the process of development and the use of automation in Microsoft word.