Although slides are just the visual aids in the presentation, special attention are needed to make slide interactive, so it can attract the attention of the audiences. But many students can’t make interactive slides or presentation, so Microsoft Innovation Center was held workshop entitled “Digital Transformation for Academic using Microsoft PowerPoint 2016” with aim to give students how to make interactive slides or presentation.
The Workshop “Digital Transformation for Academic using Microsoft PowerPoint 2016” was held on 25 October 2017 on the 2nd floor, Digital Library Faculty Engineering of UGM. This event was attended by 30 participants coming from college students from various universities in Yogyakarta, with Mr. Randi Eka Yonida as a speaker. In this event, the participants were invited to learn about the basics of making interactive presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint 2016, such as making master slides according the topic to be discussed, inserting of pictures, etc.
Participants are invited to practice from each material carried, so that they can understand from each of the material described, and in case of trouble will be a quick solution. After participating this event, participants are expected to create interactive slides or presentation, so they can success when delivering their messages to audiences.