MSEC (Microsoft Educator Community) Campaign is an activity program that focuses on enhancing teachers' competencies through integrated technology in their classroom. By utilizing a variety of resources and materials contained on Microsoft Classroom portal, this activity has the objective of maximizing the usefulness of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in teaching and learning. Carrying the concept of training-to-trainer, from Microsoft Certified Expert to teachers, this workshop is expected to impact continuous. Besides, with the intention of teachers enrolled into this activity to become influencers are able to provide examples and understanding of the material learned to other teachers, either in the school or in the community followed.

To facilitate this objective, Division of Certification and Education at Microsoft Innovation Center in collaboration with the Balai TekKomDik Yogyakarta brought theme: "Microsoft Classroom". In this agenda, the participants will be given the knowledge of the mechanisms and the use of Office 365 Education that is now already includes Microsoft Classroom which is an experience to manage all classroom activities and assignments for students and teachers. Microsoft Classroom is a homepage to manage all your classes. In this case, the teacher can make the part more than one class, make a list of assessment for student assignments, collaborate with other educators in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), and providing feedback to students.

This workshop was attended by 30 teachers from around Yogyakarta and they are coming from JIS community. This workshop was led by trainers from the Manager of Certification and Education Division, Microsoft Innovation Center, Randi Eka Yonida. This workshop was divided into several agenda taught to the participants. This was beginning with the introduction of Microsoft Classroom through presentations and discussions. In this case, the participants were required to understand more about Microsoft Classroom along with the features contained therein. Then proceed with the hands-on lab Deep Dive on the features contained in the Microsoft Classroom. Furthermore, it was continued with the hands-on lab of the collaboration Microsoft use scenarios in the classroom. This workshop was closed by practice and evaluation to realize the virtual classroom. The participants were asked to rate the components, limitations and challenges that must be faced when holding classes using Microsoft Virtual Classroom.

With the implementation of this event, the participants are expected to understand about Microsoft Classroom and its features. The participants were also able to create or simulate a workflow activity in the terms of collaborative work in the classroom. In addition, educators are also able to create a new way of learning using learning tools contained in Microsoft Classroom. Lastly, it can enhance collaboration among students and teachers to utilize one of the features found in Microsoft OneNote Class Notebook Classroom like