As known OneNote is a very powerful digital notes application. Their shared bookkeeping and sharing capabilities will make it easier for teachers to archive notes or collaborate with other fellow teachers. Microsoft Innovation Center as a research organization who want to improve technology skill for teacher was held Guru Inovatif Workshop as free event for teacher in Yogyakarta with theme “Writing Productive with OneNote”. The teachers who attended this event were expected can use OneNote to improve their productivity and innovation in their classroom, so the result of learning is better than before using technology.
In this workshop “Writing Productive with OneNote” held with two schemes, offline and online workshop. Held on Tuesday, 16 January 2018 at the Balai Tekkomdik Yogyakarta followed by 40 participants as a teacher, and filled by three speakers, the first speaker is Mr. Ngatifudin Firdaus as Pengembang Teknologi Pembelajaran of Balai Tekkomdik, he was delivering about multiple scenarios of modern learning with technology. The second speaker is Edy Thomas Suharta as ex MIEE , SMP N 12 Yogyakarta, he was delivering about basic features of OneNote and develop OneNote utilization plan in the teacher learning agenda. And the last speaker is Arya Adhitya as Learning Development Trainer of Microsoft Innovation Center he was delivering about practice multiple technology based learning models utilizing Microsoft OneNote.
In the Guru Inovatif Workshop “Writing Productive with OneNote” participants are explained about feature OneNote and scenarios when using OneNote. This is done because OneNote have interesting feature that can help teachers when delivering material learning. Where in this workshop use interactive scheme with some activities done in it, such as hands on lab, creative session, creation stage, and online learning. This is done to provide technical experience about the using of OneNote to improve writing productive, so the teacher can be creative when they’re created learning material for students. The reason why it is given online learning it aims to followed up after the event is over, qualify 33 credits to publish certificates for teachers, and introducing portal Microsoft Educator Community as part of the resources to support teachers in applying technology in the classroom.