As knownLearning in 21st century focusing on few things, such as collaboration, communication, knowledge building, problem solving, and utilize IT devices. Some of these abilities can develop in learning process in the classroom, and using IT devices will make it more effective.Microsoft Innovation Center as a research organization who want to improve technology skill for academics was held Guru Inovatif Workshop as free event for teacher in Yogyakarta with theme “Digital Creativity in 21stCentury Skill”. This event was held aims to provide an understanding of 21st century skills that students currently need to compete in a global environment, and improving teachers' creativity in creating innovative learning activities in the classroom to improve the quality of graduate students.
In this workshop “Digital Creativity in 21stCentury Skill” held with two schemes, offline and online workshop. Held on Tuesday, 23 January 2018 at the BalaiTekkomdik Yogyakarta followed by 39 participants as a teacher, and filled by two speakers, the first speaker is Mr. Yulian Adi Kristantoas PengembangLayanan Pendidikan ofBalaiTekkomdik, he was delivering about multiple scenarios of modern learning with technology, especially how toutilization of Office 365 account owned by BalaiTekkomdik. The second speaker isArya Adhitya as Learning Development Trainer of Microsoft Innovation Center he was delivering about IT devices that can to develop skill in 21st century such as OneDrive for Business, Microsoft Teams, OneNote, Word Online, and portal Microsoft Educator Community.
In the Guru Inovatif Workshop “Digital Creativity in 21stCentury Skill” participants are explained about technology that can utilize to develop skill in 21st century learning. Participants are explained in depth various technologies that can support learning. They was excited with explanation that have been speaker explained, they was practice all material that have given by speakers.Where in this workshop use interactive scheme with some activities done in it, such as hands on lab, creative session, creation stage, and online learning. The reason why it is given online learning it aims tofollowed up after the event is over, qualify 33 credits to publish certificates for teachers, and introducing portal Microsoft Educator Communityas part of the resources to support teachers in applying technology in the classroom.