“MIEE Readiness" Workshop is an event that dedication to the educator in Indonesia to support the development of educator professionalism and find of representative in the international community of Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert. This event is a step to preparing educator in Indonesia being representative in the Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert as the international community that can collaborate with the educator in the world. Besides, this event also aims to introduce the MIE Tracker app that can leverage by MIEE to create an activity report when they have shared knowledge about literacy digital using Microsoft technology to other teachers.

This event in this quarter(Q2-FY19) was held in four times that divided into 4 batches, 3 batches were held with the offline scheme, and the other was held online scheme. This event was attended by teachers from various education level in all around Indonesia. Participants were excited about this event and feel success participate in this activity. They were getting much knowledge about technology and getting interested to explore the use of Office 365 that can support in the learning process in the classroom according in their organization environment. They also have a picture of how to write the right activity report after the MIEE have done give literacy digital trained to other teachers.

This event was held on the various place, the first and second batch was held on the SMK Penerbangan AAG Adisutjipto Yogyakarta with the offline scheme, then the third was held on Microsoft Teams using online scheme, and the last event was held on the SMK Negeri 2 Wonosari using offline scheme. In the three places that have been held using offline scheme, participants were using two schemes learning in the event, such as such as hands-on lab and online learning. while in activities held online, the participants were not given online learning, in this activity the speaker and the participants just discussed MIE Tracker, how to create a right report, and explore the features that have by MIE Tracker. Hopefully after held this event, participants will get motivated to improve the skill of using technology and innovate in their classroom and explore Microsoft Educator Community portal as a resource learning to improve skill teacher on the using technology that can support in the learning process, and motivate the participants that has been joined in the Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert to share their knowledge about literacy digital to the other teacher and archiving their activity by leveraging MIE Tracker.