Global Azure Bootcamp 2018 is the sixth of the global event was held to collect of cloud developer community to learn about Azure and running simultaneously around the world. Participants were invited to discuss how developing apps using any tools and save it into Microsoft Azure. Participants were delivered about how to develop Bot using Microsoft Bot Framework with a few models, such as CAM Model (Connector, Activities, Messages), SAD Model (State, Authentication, Dialogs), and LUIS Model (Language Understanding Intelligence Service). Participants were also explained about how to set up the Visual Studio, creating apps using Xamarin that built-in the Visual Studio and participants were invited to play game racing together with other participants in the world.
Microsoft Innovation Center as the organizer of Global Azure Bootcamp in Yogyakarta has invited 52 participants to come and tone up to this event. Participants were so happy with this event and get new insight about how to develop apps and save it into Microsoft Azure. Participants were given Azure Voucher to explore a few services that have by Azure, so participants could get knowing more about Azure Services. Global Azure Bootcamp in Yogyakarta is a free event and opened to all circles, either professional or academic, it was held on 21 April 2018 at Direktorat Sistem dan Sumber Daya Informasi (DSSDI) UGM.
In the Global Azure Bootcamp was guided by several speakers. The first speaker is Mr. Ridi Ferdiana as the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Developer Tools, he was delivered about how to create Bot using Microsoft Bot Framework and explained a few models to create Bot. Then the second speaker is Mr. Erick Kurniawan as the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Microsoft Azure, he was delivered about how to create mobile apps using Xamarin with Visual Studio. And the last speaker is Mr. Novrian Fajar Hidayat as the Developer Manager from Microsoft Innovation Center, he was guided participants to follow the racing in the Global Azure Bootcamp 2018 to connect with other participants of Global Azure Bootcamp in the world.