Exam, assignments, and homework are part of the assessment of student learning outcomes in the classroom. Usually, the presence and activeness of students in discussing are used as a reference for educators in providing an assessment of their performance. This assessment method can be categorized as a conventional learning method. In the 21st century, teachers must be innovative and can maximize the potential students in accordance with the learning objectives. Microsoft Innovation Center a research organization who want to improve technical skill for the teacher was building an app, that is Mobile Exam to support online assessment process. This app was tested by the teachers at SMP Negeri 12 Yogyakarta in the series of Mobile Exam Workshop. In the workshop participants were explained about how to create online exam questions using Microsoft Forms and how to use Mobile Exam App. The objective of this event is provided an understanding of how to conduct an online assessment using Mobile Exam App.

In this workshop, the event was held on Tuesday, 28 August 2018 at SMP Negeri12 Yogyakarta followed by 37 participants. The event was divided into two phases that are the socialization phase and implementation phase. Every phase using three concepts such as hands-on lab, creative session, and creation stage. In the socialization phase, participants were delivered about how to utilize Microsoft Forms to make a quiz and personalize as needed, also explained how to use Mobile Exam App in the classroom to support online assessment. While in the implementation phase, participants were tested Mobile Exam App directly before implement and distribute Mobile Exam App to all students.

In the Mobile Exam Workshop participants were invited to explore the features has by Microsoft Forms especially the features to create quiz online. Participants were challenged to create exam online questions using Microsoft Forms along with the features in it. Furthermore, after participants finished create the list of questions, participants invited to share exam online question using QR code, the feature that has by Microsoft Forms. After participants share the exam online questions, they were practice do the online exam using Mobile Exam App that build by Microsoft Innovation Center. After finished the event, participants were asked to give a feedback about online assessment and the result shown that 94% participants confident to run an online assessment and they argued that online assessment is really to use and practiced. But, there are several obstacles faced by the participants, such as the speed internet and infrastructure on their institutions were not support maximal to practice online assessment.