Currently, professionalism of teachers is really needed, because the teachers are basic milestones of education. They can change the world with teach students with quality and skill that needed in the 21st century. Teachers can change the world with start by improving their skill how to use technology, so the technology can support in their teaching process in the classroom. There are many ways to improve skill of teacher to use technology, such as following a workshop, self-taught by accessing tutorial in the internet, etc. Microsoft Innovation Center as an organization research that focus on developing skill teachers in Indonesia to use technology that can support in the learning process was held a workshop “MIEE Readiness. It was an event that dedicated to the teachers in Indonesia for increasing professionalism of teachers and searching of representative in Indonesia to connected with the teachers in the world in a community forum that called Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert.
This event in this quarter(Q1-FY19) was held in four times that divided into 4 batches. This event was invited 143 teachers from various education level in Yogyakarta. Participants were excited about this event and feel success participate in this activity. They were getting much knowledge about technology and getting interest to explore the use of Office 365 that can support in the learning process in the classroom according to the need of students that have different needs.
This event was held at the various place, the first batch was held on 12 September 2018 at the Balai Tekkomdik Yogyakarta, the second batch was held on 20 September 2018 at the Edotel SMK Negeri 6 Yogyakarta, then the third was held on 24 September 2018 the Aula SMA Internasional Budi Mulia Dua Yogyakarta and the last batch as the closing of this event in the first quarter was held on 25 September on the Balai Tekkomdik Yogyakarta. This event was guided by Microsoft Innovation Center that using two schemes, such as hands-on lab and online learning. In the hands-on lab, participants were asked to following guidance by speaker related to delivered of material. In the end, participants were asked to learn independently in the portal of the Microsoft Educator Community using scheme online learning based on determined courses. Hopefully, participants will get motivated to improve the skill of using technology and innovate in their classroom and explore Microsoft Educator Community portal as a resource learning to improve skill teacher on the using technology that can support in the learning process.