.NET Conf 2019 is a free event dedicated to the .NET developer in the world. One of which was held in Indonesia is Yogyakarta. The participants were invited to join this event to see the launch of .NET Core 3.0. Generally, participants were learning how to build for web, mobile, desktop, games, services, libraries and more for a variety of platforms and devices all with .NET. This event was giving a chance for the participants to learn, ask questions live, and get inspired for their next software project.
This event was held in the second quarter (Q2) on 15 October 2019 at Perpustakaan Fakultas Teknik UGM, the event was organized by MIC, followed by 42 participants with multiple backgrounds, such as professional, and student college. The speakers come from Microsoft MVPs and Chief Project Officer of OkeSayur. The conference started with an overview of the new features being released. During the opening keynote, Ridi Ferdiana, Microsoft MVP in Yogyakarta, talked about how to increase the productivity od .NET with Visual Studio and DevOps for the .NET developer, so participants can understand how to develop their project efficiently and effectively. The second speaker in this event is Erick Kurniawan, Microsoft MVP in Yogyakarta, talked about how to build Full-stack C# Web Apps with Blazor in .NET Core 3.0, Build Amazing Cloud Connected Apps with Xamarin, Azure, and App Center. And the last speaker is Nindi Kusuma K, Chief Project Officer of OkeSayur, who talked about what’s new in ML.NET, so the participants get new insights about machine learning for .NET with the various features that can make simple of developing an app.
Participants in this event seemed interested in each material delivered by the speaker, this was evidenced by the questions raised by the participants in each session of each speaker. Hopefully, after this event, participants were got new insights to develop their project effectively by using tools that share by the speakers and also can use the tools for their next project.