Global Microsoft 365 Developer Bootcamp 2019 is an annual event dedicated to worldwide developers. Developers worldwide are invited to attend a Bootcamp to learn the latest on Microsoft 365 platforms including Microsoft Graph, SharePoint Framework, Microsoft Teams, Office Add-ins, Connectors, and Actionable Messages, etc., but in Yogyakarta, the speakers and participants only discuss Microsoft Graph and Identity Platform.

For the event in the second quarter (Q2) was held on 15 November 2019 at Jogja Digital Valley attended by 21 participants with a background as non-government officials. This event was facilitatory by two speakers, namely Ridi Ferdiana – Microsoft MVP as the first speaker. He delivered about the overview of Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Graph – participants were invited to join Office 365 Developer Bootcamp and build the solution using Microsoft Graph API and ASP.NET with IDE of Visual Studio 2019. Participants were following step by step to build solutions guided by the speaker using Office 365 their account that they get from joining Office 365 Developer Bootcamp. The second speaker is Novrian Fajar – Developer Lead of Microsoft Imagine Community. He was delivered Identity platform for participants – Participants were invited to explore Identity platform to build an app using several scenarios.

In this event, participants were getting new insights about Microsoft 365 and got some development tips, such as utilizing the Azure portal as a friend to register their apps, extend codes through Azure B2C for social media authentication, managing identity in Azure portal, etc. After this event, participants hopefully can build the apps based on their creativity to complete the Office 365 services and offering a few new solutions for supporting the productivity of end-user Office 365 services.