PowerPoint is a computer program that allows users to create a slide presentation for various purposes. One of the purposes of creating slide presentations is to create digital learning content to use in the virtual classroom. To give an understanding of how to use PowerPoint and the process of creating a virtual classroom, Balai Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi held an event, namely “PowerPoint as a Digital Tools for Creating Learning Materials in The Virtual Classroom”. This event was facilitated by Rinaldi as a trainer from MIC.
This event was held in the second quarter (Q2) on 31 December 2019 followed by 38 participants with a background as a government official and non-government official at Balai Tekkomdik Yogyakarta. This event was held using a hands-on lab scheme, so participants lively practice for every material shared by the speaker. There are a lot of materials that delivered by the speaker, such as how to use some features of PowerPoint that can make slide presentation more interactive and effectively in the midst of busyness as an educator, and how to create and manage the virtual classroom using Microsoft Teams.
Participants in this event were excited to follow every section of material shared by the speaker. A lot of them do not know the feature that has by PowerPoint and Teams. They were getting new insight on how to optimize the Office 365 that they have, such as creating an interactive presentation, a new learning environment in the digital era, managing a virtual classroom effectively, etc. Hopefully, these insights can transform education in their environment, so the quality of education in Indonesia can be improved by using learning technology.