Executive Academy Part I is an event dedicated to stakeholders in PPPPTK Seni dan Budaya for creating a new habit in the communication and collaboration process in their organization. Participants were invited to explore Microsoft Teams as a tool that can be used to communicate and collaborate easily in the organization. This event was held on 13 February 2019 at PPPPTK Seni dan Budaya and followed by 24 participants as a government official in the PPPPTK Seni dan Budaya environment.

This event was opened by Mr. Sigit Purnomo as Kepala Program at PPPPTK Seni dan Budaya, he gave a speech to the participants to seriously follow the material that delivered by the speaker and hoped this event could be the first step to create digital transformation in their organization. While the speaker in this event is Mr. Huda Marofiq from Microsoft Indonesia, he explained and give a demo to the participants about how to communicate and collaborate using Microsoft Teams, and the material that has been delivered was got the positive response from the participants.

The participants were invited to explore Microsoft Teams, start from the features that have by Microsoft Teams, how to create classes in the Microsoft Teams, and how to collaborate and communicate easily using Microsoft Teams, etc. Participants didn’t expect that Microsoft Teams have powerful features that could support the process of communication and collaboration in their organizations.