Global Azure Bootcamp 2019 is a community event which is regularly held every year that dedicated to the developer in the world. In this year, Global Azure Bootcamp is the sixth event which was held jointly around the world on 27 April 2019. This event can be used as a place for community members to discuss the extent to which Azure is used.
In Indonesia, especially in Yogyakarta, this event was held on Lab 2.4.4 Gedung Unit.2, Lt.4, Ruang 4 - Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta, and attended by 54 participants with a background as a college student and professional. The speakers and participants were discussing Azure and Open Source, best practice DevOps in the cloud, mobile apps implementation using Xamarin, and lots of stuff about the cloud.
This event was opened by Wahyu S. Putra as the representative of Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta, he was opening the event and invite the participants to discuss with the speakers to get an in-depth insight about Azure. Ardi Setyadi from Microsoft Indonesia as the first speaker of this bootcamp, he was explained about Azure and Open Source in the business industry, so participants get to know about the experience of Microsoft’s customer when using Azure services.
Then the second speaker is Ridi Ferdiana. He was explained about Azure DevOps, start from the definition of DevOps, DevOps key pillar, how to start with, and how to use, so the participants get to understand how to create automation with DevOps. And the last speaker is Erick Kurniawan, he was explained about how to create mobile apps using Xamarin and cognitive services. Participants have explained about the scenarios that can be used in the cognitive services, such as emotion detection, facial identification to find missing children, facial detection to calculate the male/female ratio at a store, etc.
In the last session as the closing part, after participants seriously listening to the material from the speakers, participants were invited to join in the Global Azure Racing. So, the participants do not only get knowledge, but they also get entertainment at this event.