Creating Virtual Classroom using Microsoft Teams is an event dedicated to the educator in Indonesia to innovate their classroom using technology, especially using Microsoft Teams as a tool that can be used as e-learning tool and Learning Management System. This is software that can help the educator in improve learning outcomes the students and centralizing their lesson in one place that can be accessed by using several devices namely, Laptop, Smartphone, and Tablet.
In this event, participants have introduced an alternative solution when the educator has an assignment outside the city, but they want to keep connect with their students. They can interact with the student by using several features that have by Microsoft Teams, such as Meet Now, Conversation, Chat, and Creating a plan to meet with their students. Besides that, the educator is also explained by the speaker how to give assignment and assessment online using Teams. The participants were excited with the material delivered by the speaker, they were vigor to follow the material until the workshop was closed.
This event was held in the fourth quarter (Q4) on 20 June 2019 at SMK AAG Penerbangan Adisutjipto Yogyakarta followed by 37 participants with a background as a non-government official. The participants were explained about how to create a classroom in Microsoft Teams, how to add a student in their classroom, how to add their friend as a teacher in the classroom when they teach the same subject, etc. They gave testimony about this workshop, they said that this event is really leverage for their job as a teacher and motivate them to innovate their classroom.