Creating an Online Learning System Using Microsoft Teams and OneNote
In the digital era, the educational system needs to transform to get human resources that have the skills that industrial needed. PPPPTK Seni dan Budaya as an organization that has the responsibility to empower teacher and educational staff in Indonesia was starting to transform the educational system. They were started by giving a workshop for the internal staff about online learning using Microsoft Teams. Hopefully, after this event, they can give a train for the teacher and educational staff in Indonesia using online learning scheme. This event was held for two days, starting from 14 to 15 May 2019 at PPPPTK Seni dan Budaya and followed by 33 participants in the first day, and in the ...
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Word for Academic - Part II
The word for Academic is an event that routinely held by Microsoft Innovation Center because of this topic is fundamental that needed by the member of the university to do their tasks. This event was dedicated to all member of the university to introduce and explore the Microsoft Word in depth to write scientific papers effectively, and how the Microsoft Word can support the process of creating academic papers. On this quarter, this topic was delivered in two times, and this is the second time of Word for Academic Workshop. This event was held in the fourth quarter (Q4) on 7 May 2019 at Perpustakaan Pusat UGM followed by 11 participants with a background as non-government official. This ...
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Global Azure Bootcamp 2019
Global Azure Bootcamp 2019 is a community event which is regularly held every year that dedicated to the developer in the world. In this year, Global Azure Bootcamp is the sixth event which was held jointly around the world on 27 April 2019. This event can be used as a place for community members to discuss the extent to which Azure is used. In Indonesia, especially in Yogyakarta, this event was held on Lab 2.4.4 Gedung Unit.2, Lt.4, Ruang 4 - Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta, and attended by 54 participants with a background as a college student and professional. The speakers and participants were discussing Azure and Open Source, best practice DevOps in the cloud, mobile apps implementati...
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Developer Relation Community Gathering
Developer Relation Community Gathering is an event dedicated to the developer community in Yogyakarta. This event was discussing what the developer community needs to keep exist and creating to Jogja Devs better. This event was held on 26 April 2019 at Wanagama Room, University Club UGM and attended by several developer communities in Yogyakarta, such Jogja JavaScript Community, Google Developer Group, Aditif, and some of the participants that regularly attended to the community event that held by Microsoft Innovation Center. This event was facilitated by Sarah Thiam as a developer relation from Microsoft. She was delivered about the program that Microsoft has, such as a meeting with the...
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Word for Academic - Part I
Word for Academic is an event dedicated to all member of the university to introduce and explore the Microsoft Word in depth to write scientific papers effectively, and how the Microsoft Word can support the process of creating academic papers. This event was often held in the university to help the member of the college for creating an academic paper as their obligation, so they can get the best result of a template for scientific paper in a short time. This event was held in the fourth quarter (Q4) on 25 April 2019 at Perpustakaan Fakultas Teknik UGM followed by 28 participants with a background as a non-government official. This event was delivered by Arya Adhitya as a trainer Microso...
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OneDrive for Business for Academic
OneDrive for Business for Academic is an event dedicated to all member of the university to give an explanation about OneDrive for Business, such as the capacity and the flexibility of it, how the user can improve their productivity by using this service, how to sync the OneDrive for Business with the device of the user, etc. OneDrive for Business as a part of Office 365 service has advantages and feature that can support the user to improve their productivity and give them easiness for doing their job. This event was held in the fourth quarter (Q4) on 10 April 2019 at Perpustakaan Fakultas Teknik UGM followed by 24 participants with a background as a non-government official. This event ...
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P4TK Seni dan Budaya: Management of Registration System for Organizing Education and Training
P4TK Seni dan Budaya has strategic tasks and functions in order to foster the development and improvement of teacher competencies in the Arts and Crafts in the Vocational School. Based on P4TK Seni dan Budaya duties and functions, Microsoft Innovation Center (MIC) was providing a solution for P4TK Seni dan Budaya through given a workshop about registration system for them. MIC was giving a solution for the registration system by using Office 365 services, such as Forms, Sway, Outlook, SharePoint Online, and Word. Participants were invited to explore the registration system using Office 365 step by step, so the participants can understand how to use the registration system with Office 365...
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P4TK Matematika: Management of Registration System for Organizing Education and Training
P4TK Matematika has strategic tasks and functions in order to increase the competency of educators and educational staff in the mathematical field with the aim that students will have adequate mathematical competencies and a strong attitude in facing global competition. Based on P4TK Matematika duties and functions, Microsoft Innovation Center (MIC) was providing a solution for P4TK Matematika through given a workshop about registration system for them. MIC was giving a solution for the registration system by using Office 365 services, such as Forms, Sway, Outlook, SharePoint Online, and Word. Participants were invited to explore the registration system using Office 365 step by step, so ...
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Word for Academic
Microsoft Word as a productivity product has many features that can be optimized to create a document academic, but all the features that have by Word not everyone knows. Microsoft Innovation Center as organization research that has a mission to empower every people in the organization has organized a workshop about Microsoft Word to make a document academic more structured. This event was held on 26 February 2019 at the Digital Library, FT. UGM and followed by 33 participants. This event has two objectives, namely introducing how to write scientific papers effectively and exploring features that have by Word to support for creating academic papers. Participants were excited about the fe...
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Digital Transformation Workshop: Management of Documents with SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business
Digital transformation in this era is a must. Every organization needs to transform its habit and culture to be digitalized, so their productivity can be increased. Microsoft Innovation Center as organization research that have a mission to empower every organization with technology has been held a workshop for P4TK Matematika to transform their organization. This workshop was held on third quarter (Q3) on 22 February 2019 with a theme “Management of Documents with SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business” and followed by 41 staffs of P4TK Matematika. This event such as an activity that can help P4TK Matematika to transform their culture to be digitalized, where the participants were ...
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